Slovakia was silent about its extensive history of emigration for many decades. The topic has not been taught in schools and it was not on the agenda of the political leadership of the country.
The Cold War interrupted the organic ties between Slovaks at home and Slovaks abroad for decades.
The remarkable stories and destinies of Slovaks settlers were forgotten and the strategic bond between Slovakia and America were lost.
But that is changing now!
Global Slovakia recently had the honor to meet with the Presidential Palace to discuss the project Slovak Settlers and gift Madame President Zuzana Caputova with her very own copy.
The President was grateful to receive the book, and was happy to see this important history captured and popularized through our project Slovak Settlers.
Have you secured your copy yet?
The interest, both from the society and its political representatives in Slovakia’s large Diaspora is increasing. As is their desire to better understand the plight of Slovak emigrants and their descendants internationally.
It is Global Slovakia’s mission to contribute to this trend and raise awareness of Slovakia’s monumental emigration history.
We are currently working on the Slovak language version of Slovak Settlers. The book entitled Slovenskí vysťahovalci will soon be available in local bookshops all across the country.
Many of you generously donated Slovak copies to schools in your ancestral towns and villages.
Thanks to your support -Slovak children will soon discover the dramatic and touching stories of Slovak men and women, who left their homeland behind in search of a better life elsewhere.
There will be an opportunity to contribute to the effort in the coming weeks.
Global Slovakia is proud to reconnect Slovak descendants with their ancestral homeland, and we do so by sharing information about Slovak culture and history to you during our webinars, books and and online courses.
We actively participated in the lobbying to change the Slovak Citizenship Act and helped to make citizenship accessible to Slovak descendants.
Moreover, we organize unique experiences in Slovakia that are designed to help descendants understand and connect with their roots.
Thank you for being a part of our Global Slovakia family. It is an honor and a pleasure to help you reconnect with your heritage.
We would like to invite you to celebrate the launch of this book and, above all, the monumental emigration history of Slovakia and Slovak settlers worldwide with us!
Saturday, August 26th, 2023 at 11am EST